I have always considered Twitter to be a bit frivolous but I have been judging it by how I have seen it used by most people. Keeping up to date with what somebody had for breakfast was not only pointless but people giving out detailed accounts of everything they did sounded just a bee's dick dangerous.
Recently though I have realised that it can be used as a useful tool if used appropriately and have been converted. I guess everything these days gets trivialised by the sheeple, just look at the inane ways kids use sms. Kids tapping away on their phones and running up a bill for their parent's to pay in order to spoil their consumerist brats has become a running joke. It reminds me of the old maxims, '90% of all people are morons" and "90% of everything is rubbish."
But moving on .....
I am often adding things to cathbard.com and creating stuff for one project or another and keeping everybody up to date can be a bit of a pain. Every update and little item doesn't really warrant a blog as it only requires a short sentence to descibe it - enter Twitter. Twitter is actually the perfect tool for what I do so I have started using it on a regular basis. I can even add a tweet directly from an applet on my desktop, no need to even open a browser.
So if you want to stay up to date with what I am doing simply follow me on Twitter. My username is Cathbard of course (http://twitter.com/Cathbard). I promise that I won't be talking about what I had for dinner or how many pieces of toilet paper I used in the morning, all I will be using it for is to update you about new artwork and suchlike.
So far the only twitter I follow is Linux Mint where it has proved useful.
ReplyDeleteDue to that I can see how your application of it is also useful.
The idea of twitting bowel movement and the equally bile wisdom of celebrity, though..
"90% is rubbish" is too kind.